Lymphoma Is A Loser


AUGUST 23, 2025



In just six short years, Lymphoma is a Loser and the Johnny Mac Golf-Palooza have made a significant impact in raising money for the Illinois Cancer Care Foundation!

Thank you to all who have participated, donated, and volunteered for this unique event!


The First Annual Johnny Mac Golf-Palooza was held on September 14, 2019 in memory of John McCormack, aka, Johnny Mac. 

John was diagnosed with Lymphoma in January 2013 at the age of 37.  In 2013 when we first heard the words “Stage IV Mantle Cell Lymphoma”, all we knew was that there wasn’t a Stage V.  After a few days of Googling (don’t do that!), lots of tears, and a final diagnosis, we put on our happy faces and pulled out our positive attitudes!  That July 8th, we heard the best news, “complete response!”

Little did we know, our journey was going to be far longer than what we thought was the hardest 6 months of our lives. 

After multiple relapses and two stem cell transplants, his journey ended on January 18, 2017. 

Two Stem Cell Transplants, lots of chemo, hospital stays (for weeks at a time), trips to Chicago (only like 40), blood draws (or donations as John liked to call them), medications, GVHD, counseling, crazy pills and some pretty epic poop stories… all of which I would go through again in a heartbeat. 

John was known for his love of live music, beer drinking, St Patrick’s Day, spending time with friends, and stringing together swear words like no other!   He enjoyed golfing in local outings as long as there was beer, a cart, and lots of sunblock!

We are blessed to have friends and family spend the day remembering and celebrating John’s life and raising funds for Illinois CancerCare.